Ez Stream

A web application that searches for movie and show titles on IMDB and displays a results list that matches the user input. The user can then select a specific title and be taken to a results page which will highlight more information on that title. It will then provide a list the streaming services that the title is available on for the user and update the recent search result list for future reference.

screenshot of ez stream website

Depoloyed Site

GitHub Repo


Javascript, jQuery, Server Side APIs, Figma


  • When the search input is submitted, a results list will generate that matches the input description.
  • When the user selects a specific title, they will get taken to a results page that has a description of the title and a list of the available streaming services it can be found on.
  • Once the user selects a title, that choice will get appended to the recent searches footer for future reference.
  • The recent searches will be saved into local storage so that when the user refreshes the page, the recent searches will provide a reference point.


Brainstormed and pitched the project idea to the group of three others. We seared through APIs that we could use to implement the functionality of the application and then proceeded to wireframe the application in Figma. I worked with a group member in bridging up the connection between the API data and the results. I jumped to the front end of the group toward the end of the deadline to conform the styling, increase responsiveness, and utilize the color scheme we had conceptualized.

User Story

AS an avid movie and tv streamer,
I WANT to look up my desired show,
SO THAT I can find the streaming services it can be accessed on.

GIVEN that I want to watch that show,
WHEN I search for it,
THEN a list of streaming services appear,
SO THAT I can find the service that I am subscribed to,
THEN I can view the quality of the video,
SO THAT I can decide if I want to watch it


Olivia Elliott | GitHub

Matt McGee | GitHub

Alicia McNeil | GitHub