Hand Me Up

A clothing re-sale application with a purpose that reduces the stigma of accepting low-cost clothing. Sellers list their clothing for sale at a rate that just covers shipping. Buyers can shop from a selection of low-cost but trendy and modern clothing. Buyers have the option to make an additional donation to a partner charity of their choice when making a purchase.

Depoloyed Site

GitHub Repo


ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Mongoose ODM, GraphQL, Chakra UI


An interactive multi-page MERN Stack re-sale application where users exchange second hand clothing with an option to donate to a non profit organization of their choosing created and structured around Agile methodologies.


Initially worked in setting up back end technology and database with ExpressJS and Mongoose. Once the data connected with the client side, I transitioned to assist front end styling and responsive design to meet MVP standards. I implemented a color scheme and ensured that the theme carried across the pages. I moved to assisting a group member in creating the shopping cart functionality which proved to be a much longer process than we had originally thought it to be. I implemented a global state so that the cart would function correctly before we reached the deadline.

This final group project of the UNC Bootcamp I attended showcases my ability to adapt to the needs of a project along with my ability to manage group members in assigning tasks tailored to their strengths.

User Story


AS A wearer of modern clothing that is gently used,
I WANT to donate my clothing
SO THAT I can help lower-income families and individuals.


AS A lower-earning inidividual or family,
I WANT affordable clothing options that are modern and gently used
SO THAT my family and myself have adequate clothing that fits without 
the stigma of second-hand or low-quality clothing that will not last.

Seller And Buyer

AS A buyer and seller of used clothing,
I WANT to donate my gently used clothing to people who need 
affordable options and still be able to shop on the same platform
SO THAT I can help lower-income familiar and individuals, 
and donate additional funds to support charities.


Olivia Elliott | GitHub

Matt McGee | GitHub

Colleen Maher | GitHub

Caren Merz | GitHub

Alicia McNeil | GitHub